Andreas Heusser
Andreas Heusser is a conceptual artist and cultural entrepreneur born in Zurich in 1976. He currently lives and works in Zurich and Johannesburg.
Esther Kempf
Esther Kempf is a visual artist and works with furniture, everyday objects and spaces, which she arranges, manipulates and transforms.
Michael Kuratli
Author and journalist. Co-editor-in-chief of „Filmbulletin“ and editor of „100 Jahre Zoff – Die Geschichte der Zürcher Studierendenzeitung“ published by Hier und Jetzt Verlag.
Adriana Domínguez
Adriana is an art historian and independent curator from Mexico, currently living and working in Zurich. She runs the artist space la_cápsula.
María Sábato
Maria Sabato is a multidisciplinary artist with background studies in photography. She currently lives in Basel.
Blas Ulibarri
Author, presenter, translator and yoga teacher. Born in California in 1973, currently lives in Biel.